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Industrial Safety
Fire Safety:
- Area classifications of flammable and/or combustible liquids, vapours and dusts for Electrical Code compliance using NFPA, FM Global and other standards.
- Fire Code audits against National and Provincial Fire Codes, NFPA Standards such as NFPA 101, applicable sections of Provincial Building Codes, and best practices.
- Fire Safety Plans (facility, equipment or operation specific).
- Design and code compliance consulting for Flammable & combustible storage & dispensing facilities and other rooms requiring special provisions (eg. compressed flammable gas, laboratories, aerosol filling, etc.).
- Pre-Start Health & Safety Review for Flammable Liquid Storage & Dispensing applications (trigger 1 of the Table in S.7 of Ontario Regulation 851).
- Pre-Start Health & Safety Review for any 'Process That Involves The Risk Of Ignition Or Explosion' (trigger 4 of the Table in S.7 of Ontario Regulation 851).
- Pre-Start Health & Safety Review for Dust Collectors (trigger 5 of the Table in S.7 of Ontario Regulation 851).
- Finite element analysis of vessels to determine their resistance as a prelude to the installation of an explosion protection system; and designs to reinforce those vessels where required.
- Dust Hazard Analysis of whole facilities in accordance with NFPA 652.
- Design of Dust Control Systems.
- Design and specification of Fire Protection Systems.
- Pre-Start Health & Safety Review for Machine Guarding applications (trigger 2 of the Table in S.7 of Ontario Regulation 851)
- Custom machine guarding design & fabrication (perimeter fencing or 'form-fitting' sheet metal / Lexan / wiremesh guards).
- Specialized machine guarding design (eg. impact/shock absorbing).
- Electrical safety circuit design for control reliability
- Pneumatic / hydraulic circuit design for control reliability
- Safe distance and machine stop time analysis.
- Press Control Design (Mechanical - Hydraulic).
- Responses to Ministry of Labour orders such as “54(1)K,” and “54(1)L,” orders, which require a Certificate of “Not Likely to Endanger” before the machine can operate again.
- Mechanical Design & Engineering.
- Turnkey safety integration projects, where CCP Engineering can design, supply, manage and sign-off on the safety upgrade project.
- Safety Integrity Level (SIL) Assessment per EN62061, ISA 84.01 and IEC 61511 standards.
- Performance Level (PL) Assessment per ISO 13849-1.
- Pre-Start Health & Safety Review for Lifting Devices And Automotive Lifts (trigger 7 of the Table in S.7 of Ontario Regulation 851)
- Lockout / tagout review, including the evaluation of equipment and generation of procedures to meet the requirements of CSA Z460
- Structural analysis of cranes and lifting devices.
- Laser Safety Reviews per CAN/CSA E60825-1, CSA Z386 and CAN/CSA-C22.2 NO. 60601-2-22-01.
- Pre-Start Health & Safety Review for Foundries (trigger 6 of the Table in S.7 of Ontario Regulation 851)
- Warehouse safety including: forklift, fire protection, dock safety, racking damage assessment and good practices
- Workwell audits
- Ergonomic analysis to increase productivity and improve occupational health and safety.
- Noise measurement & audit per O.Reg. 381/15, CSA-Z107.56 and Worksafe BC methods.
- Ventilation studies including:
- Dilution Ventilation Design
- Heating, Ventilation & Air Conditioning,
- Heat Loss Calculations,
- Duct Design,
- Fume Extraction Systems,
- Air Compressors and Dryers.
- HAZOP, Risk Analysis. Feasibility Study, Compliance & Risk Engineering
Construction Safety
Construction Safety, including:
- Detailed work procedures and instructions in compliance with OHSA.
- Safety policy manuals.
- Engineered repair procedures.
- Safe welding procedures and practices.
- Site inspection and site safety administration.
- Worker-pedestrian and motorized vehicle awareness training: worker-vehicle interaction, increased "people" awareness, workplace specific examples, rigging and hoisting practice, slings and rigging inspection, and lift equipment inspection.
- Inspection and preparation of repair procedures for construction equipment such as backhoes, skid steers, scrapers, bulldozers, concrete pumps, piling rigs, etc.
- Crane operations, engineered lifts, rigging, hoisting and associated material handling including safe crane operations.
- Tunnel boring machines,
- Mobile Cranes,
- Mining vehicles,
- Aerial devices,
- Elevating work platforms,
- Mast climbers,
- Tower Cranes
- Development of Purchasing Specifications to ensure that safety is built into the design phase or that the responsibility for safety and compliance are shifted to the equipment supplier.
- Forensic Engineering & Litigation Support services, including:
- Accident investigation and failure analysis for industrial, construction and mining accidents
- Fire and explosion investigations
- Accident reconstruction and computer animation of accidents
- Litigation support
- Expert witness services in court
- Field testing of control systems on machinery, vehicles, etc.
- In-house facilities to carry out strength testing, slip testing, hardness testing, and other mechanical tests.
- Collaborations with metallurgical testing facilities
- Structural Analysis / Finite Element Analysis[1], including:
- Static / dynamic / thermal stress analysis
- Linear and non-linear analysis
- Mechanical event simulation
- Training on-site or off-site in all aspects of safety and legal issues in relation to industrial establishments and construction projects.
- Health & Safety Programs (manuals, training, monitoring). Integration of Safety Information into Manuals.
- Accident/Incident Investigations & Training.
- CAD and Solid Modeling of parts, assemblies and bill of materials; for machines, mechanical equipment, piping layouts and ducting layouts.
- 3D scanning and modeling using the technique of Photogrammetry
- Confined Space assessment and development of entry requirements.
- Special Access Elevating Devices[2], with services including:
- Engineering design analysis
- Control circuit reviews for safety
- Design permit application support
- Field reviews for applicable Code compliance
- Field physical testing
- Final commissioning reviews
- Material hoist reviews
[1] Utilizing software packages such as Solidworks Simulation
[2] Please note that these are not commercial 'Elevators', which are covered entirely by TSSA, but rather specialized types that require variance applications to the Regulatory Authorities